Peat is an accumulation of partially decayed vegetable matter and result in a soft brown mass with carbon content of 50%. Peat forms in wetlands called peatlands. Peat deposits are the first stage in formation of coal deposits. Under pressure, water in the peat is forced out. Upon drying, peat can be used as a fuel, and is traditionally used for cooking and domestic heating in many countries including Ireland and Scotland, where stacks of drying peat dug from the bogs can still be seen in some rural areas.
Peat is also dug into soil to increase the latter's capacity to retain moisture and add nutrients. Peat fires are used to dry malted barley for use in Scotch whisky distillation. This gives Scotch its distinctive smoky flavor, often referred to as "peatiness" by Scotch afficianados. Moreover peat is used to purify air and remove odours. Bacteria incorporated into the peat, breakdown the odours and gases. By using peat it is possible to adjust the pH and nutrients to a suitable level for different bacteria.
All these characteristics, added to the high eco-compatible nature of this natural product, pushed Pangaia Grado Zero's team to develop a garment that could benefit of all the peculiarities of peat materials. This project led to a series of garments, like the jacket in this page that took form in an italian fashion line, in order to join together ecology, style and practically for everydays life.